I was Hermione- again. For school I stole Emily's medieval dress and was just a random medieval person. My neighbor hosts an annual Hallowe'en (that is how they spell it in England) party, which was okay but there was no one there my age, so mom and dad said I have to invite some friends over next year. I got a lot of chocolate! MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe we are going to have a new president in 4 days (actually they are being sworn in in January I think). Lucy was a witch for Hallowe'en, but Caroline stole her hat. I need to get a picture of her online. I loved school yesterday! We saw the music video for the Thriller in science and we blew up candy. The sugar with certain chemicals makes a flame. Note: do not try that at home. Also, chocolate does not work very well. On Thursday we had Ellis Island day, try this
website . It shows a whole bunch of people who came over. We got to dress up and make a whole story. I am Elise from France. My family heard fro my uncle that America is the place of opportunities. So my family went ahead and told me to come over when they got there. We had a lot of fun. Well, that's it!
p.s. Christmas is in a little less than two months!
p.s.s. On Emily's calender, it says that Harry Potter 6 the movie is coming out this month, but I heard it is coming out in the summer. Very confusing...