Thursday, November 15, 2007

So Much

There is so much to tell you.My little sister Caroline's birthday is coming up VERY soon. So is Thanksgiving, my older sister Emily's birthday, St. Nicholas Day, and Christmas. All the stuff hits at once, doesn't it? Sheesh my birthday is in May (the best month there is) but the only holiday is Queen Elizabeth's birthday (I think) but I don't live in England, so that doesn't really count. No one likes May. I only need to get gifts for Caroline. I can tell you what I got for everyone else, but they might read this. I'll tell you after Christmas, one of the best holidays, besides Hermione's birthday (September 19). Another reasonably good holiday is Fred and George's birthday, April Fools Day. I have done some VERY interesting things, that you are not aloud to know until my parents get around to getting the AWESOME pictures. You can guess but not know. (Ominous music.)

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